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Limmud L'Chaim (Learning for Life) is our Adult Education programming. Our classes and programs are offered throughout the year through our Limmud L'Chaim committee. They offer engaging topics in a lively, discussion-based setting. These programs are sometimes led by our rabbi, but just as often by a lay leader or subject expert from the community. Topics are wide-ranging, and address Jewish themes as well as issues around social action, other religious traditions, history and current events, and more. 


Other Adult Education class examples: 

  • On One Foot series
  • Jews and Tattoos
  • Abraham Joshua Heschel and Civil Rights
  • Film screening of "Who Will Write Our History"
  • Simplicity as a Jewish Path: A Sukkot Discussion
  • Adult Group B'not Mitzvah


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784