Limmud L'Chaim (Learning for Life)
Limmud L'Chaim (Learning for Life) is our Adult Education programming. Our classes and programs are offered throughout the year through our Limmud L'Chaim committee. They offer engaging topics in a lively, discussion-based setting. These programs are sometimes led by our rabbi, but just as often by a lay leader or subject expert from the community. Topics are wide-ranging, and address Jewish themes as well as issues around social action, other religious traditions, history and current events, and more.
Other Adult Education class examples:
- On One Foot series
- Jews and Tattoos
- Abraham Joshua Heschel and Civil Rights
- Film screening of "Who Will Write Our History"
- Simplicity as a Jewish Path: A Sukkot Discussion
- Adult Group B'not Mitzvah
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Sh'vat 5785
upcoming adult ed
All Events
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 26 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Feb 26th 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 28 , 2025On One Foot: Echad: Jewish Paths to Non-Duality
Friday, Feb 28th 6:30p to 7:30p
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 5 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Mar 5th 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program. -
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 12 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Mar 12th 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program. -
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 19 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Mar 19th 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program. -
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 26 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Mar 26th 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program. -
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Tai Chi Easy/QiGong Program
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 3:30p to 4:30p
Limmud L'Chaim is sponsoring a 6 week Tai Chi program.
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785